On Sunday 16th December 2018, Majestic had a Christmas charity event where over 300 people came to the Cyprus Hippotherapy Centre in Dali.


Majestic has been a registered NGO Organization since April 2018. In this small period of time Majestic accomplished a lot of its goals. With the cooperation of Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health in Cyprus, Majestic offers Horse Healing Therapy Technique and Method in Children’s hospitals, in special education schools and shelters where children faced traumatic moments in their life. Horse healing is a therapeutic technique that uses trained Miniature Horses to bring joy, compassion and love to the patients. Also the horse is a big motivation to the children to cooperate better with the doctors. On Sunday 16th December 2018, Majestic had a Christmas charity event where over 300 people, including many Chinese people, who came to the Cyprus Hippotherapy Centre in Dali to support the goals of Majestic Organization. Majestic needs financial support to help bring more smiles to people in need.

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