Cyprus Stock Exchange


The Cyprus Stock Exchange (CSE) All Share Index closed at today`s stock exchange meeting as follows:  MEETING DATE: 16/08/2019 INDICES BASE VALUES: FTSEMed=5000, OTH                       EURO (€)     TRADED VALUE: 41,052.28             INDEX VALUE % DIFF. VALUE (€)         FTSE/CySE 20 42.130 0.330 40,117.640 MAIN MARKET INDEX                  48.210 0.460 30,685.440 INVESTMENT COMPANIES MARKET INDEX    1,060.690 0.000 0.000 CSE GENERAL INDEX                  70.220 0.300 40,472.640 HOTELS INDEX                         801.410 0.000 645.600 ALTERNATIVE MARKET INDEX           864.800 0.330 10,332.800 FTSE Med  (15/08/2019) 4,416.740 -0.840           * The second column presents the percentage variation of the indices as compared to the last meeting.   CNA/EA/AAR/2019ENDS, CYPRUS NEWS AGENCY 

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